A few weeks ago I started playing around with paper and paint to generate some ideas for a contemporary fabric quilt. I had a 5 x 5 inch accordion journal that I made last year, so I started working in this with the idea that the whole journal would be…
about Laura
It’s pretty neat to see your work in a book. Two years ago I responded to a call for art journal pages to be included in a book. I think it was in 2014 when I got the news that 5 of my images would be included. I think I…
How do you experience creative flow? Lisa Sonora Beam asks this on her blog. When I think about the projects I’ve been wanting to work on, I have to say I’ve been feeling really stuck. It seems they’re all in my head, the ideas, the execution, the final product. Product….
I’ve slowed down on my bird project while I’m exploring other fundamentals in the practice of drawing. I came across a beautiful dead bird a few weeks ago which asked to be drawn in a different way than my previous exploration in drawing birds. I could really feel that drawing…
This little guy gave me problems at first. I couldn’t get the shape right so I had to switch from my direct line drawing to sketching shapes first. Drawing the Eurasian Starling reminded me that it’s good to be able to approach a problem from different sides. And to take…
That’s a neat name all right! The Kookaburra hails from Australia and Tasmania and has the most wonderful beak! Flat-like and wide. “The Kookaburra is also known as the “laughing jackass” because of its braying, laugh like call.” This from the encyclopedia I’m referencing–Wildlife Fact File. It’s a great fact…
Today I tried listening to some music while art journaling–listened to Birth of Cool by Miles Davis. When the weather is grey and wet, I need a little pick me up. The music was a welcome change and it carried me for an hour plus while I continued onto drawing…
One of my new personal projects/challenges is to do more drawing. I am doing this in a couple of ways. Here’s one way . . . I’ve always wanted to spend some time drawing birds. There is something benevolent and calming about birds. Their song and chirpiness connects us (me)…
Ten days ago I received an email from the Richmond Art Gallery asking me if I wanted to present at their next Pecha Kucha with the theme of Identity. You know how it is. Some things are really good for your art career and you really shouldn’t say no because…
I am brainstorming text ideas for a craftivist project for the Textile Design class I am taking at the University of British Columbia. I gave a presentation on craftivism a couple of weeks ago for one of my other assignments. The thing is, I’ve been wanting to get into street…