Trail of Hope (detail), fineliner, wood pegs, yarn, and stitching on linen, 6″ x 54″, 2020
Trail of Hope documents a cross-country road trip and move in 2019 from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, through the U.S., and ending in Vancouver, BC.This work captures the provinces and states traversed as well as religious signage encountered along the way. On this, and several other road trips to the U.S., I was drawn to document the religious signage. Some of these messages were plastered on bill boards along highways while others were displayed on signage just outside churches. I am struck by the need to communicate and to draw in, and by the appearance of some of this signage on highways. Having lived in Canada since I was 16, these communiqués about religion and devotion, feel like I’m encountering a very different culture.

Trail of Hope (detail), fineliner, wood pegs, yarn, and stitching on linen, 6″ x 54″, 2020