That’s a neat name all right! The Kookaburra hails from Australia and Tasmania and has the most wonderful beak! Flat-like and wide.
“The Kookaburra is also known as the “laughing jackass” because of its braying, laugh like call.” This from the encyclopedia I’m referencing–Wildlife Fact File. It’s a great fact book if you can get your hands on one–I found three of the books at a thrift store.
So this bird drawing project has got me looking a bird quotes too. This is what I came up with for the Kookaburra:
I pray to the birds because they remind me of what i love rather than what i fear. And at the end of my prayers, they teach me how to listen.
This from Terry Tempest, American author, conservationist, and activist. Tempest has “testified before Congress on women’s health [and] committed acts of civil disobedience.” I think I may have to read up on her. The quote is from the book Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place (source:
Birds do have a very positive effect on people. A little brainstorm and I came up with these words: happy, soft, light, freedom, positive, hope.
I worked with my original drawing twice…trying to explore techniques, mediums, style. In the first exploration (colourful) I was listening to a couple of interviews in The Thriving Artist series (around 8pm) and in the second (monotone-like) I was listening to some jazz by Malcolm Aiken from his CD Paper Star and it was 7 in the morning. It’s one of my favourites. Saw Aiken perform live at a restaurant here in Vancouver one or two years ago.
P.S. I am purposefully not linking authors, books, etc. in an attempt to create less clutter, less noise. If you really want to follow something, you can easily google it. On this topic, I am wondering whether to be done with Facebook. I mainly use my business page–I would continue that, but maybe I can start fresh with a new non-identifiable personal user account? TBD.