agnes martin

agnes martin (1912-2004), a STRONG and DETERMINED woman*… abstract, minimalist painter, contemporary of Jackson Pollock opposed the cult of personality but at the same time facilitated the same nearly became an Olympic swimmer training to be a teacher up until her 40s encountered art through the teacher training programs starts…

a short list: an artist that goes on and off the grid (agnes martin) an artists who gives up agency (charlotte posenensky) an artist who refuses to be celebretized (cady noland) an artist who exits the art world in exchange for the real (laurie parsons) an artist that plays with…

During a studio visit from art dealer Arne Glimcher in 1976, Agnes Martin said, “When I work, I diet so as not to have any distraction from food. Sometimes I’ll eat only one thing, like bananas, and anytime I get hungry, I say, ‘Agnes, have another banana’ and that’s it,…

Again, as part of her biography, Agnes Martin sent a list to Arnold, an American art dealer, of the places she lived in and the ones she travelled in.1 Agnes Martin…I have lived in: Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Washington Oregon California Delaware New York New Mexico I have travelled in:…

The minimalist American painter, Agnes Martin (1912-2004), sent this list of places she worked at to Arnold (Arne Glimche), an American art dealer, as part of her biography.1 The range of her work experience, and her mobility within the work field, is impressive. I wondered how I would stack next…